On this “model’s page” you will find my best wisdom regarding the craft of figure modeling. However it would be impossible to separate what I learned on my own with what I learned from my first teacher…
I struggled when I first began modeling, learning everything “on the job.” It was like being thrown in the deep end of a swimming pool before you knew how to swim. By trial and error, I developed my repertoire of poses. By trial and error, I learned how to find employment. By trial and error, I learned how to endear myself to artists, and avoid pitfalls.
I asked for advice from everyone I knew, and I searched the internet for every bit of teaching I could find regarding modeling. However, I never had a comprehensive source of quality teaching … until I discovered this book.
I would love to tell you that in all my writings on “DrawJoseph.com” I am the font of original wisdom. I would love to… but I can’t! It would be virtually impossible to isolate the wisdom that I have which came exclusively from my own modeling experience. The entirety of my skill in this craft is based on what I learned in this book.
When I first opened my copy I was amazed with the turn of every page. I not only devoured it’s advice, I immediately applied it’s wisdom to my modeling and witnessed immediate positive results. I firmly believe that any self-respecting model should have a copy of this book. They should have read it at least twice from cover to cover and should have markings and dog ears on the most important pages.
That said, I will offer this: if my wisdom on this website is authentic, it is only because Mr. Cahner’s book is authentic. If you would like to be a professional life model, do yourself a favor… order a copy immediately!